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Laura's Articles - Archives

Laura's articles are published monthly on the San Dimas Community News, the La Verne Community News, the Glendora Community News, and the Azusa Community News. She is also a regular contributor to The Messenger, a Spiritual newspaper operating within the greater Los Angeles area and online editions.

Please feel free to share her articles and other publications with your friends and family. All that she asks is that you please include the credits at the bottom of the article. Laura would love to hear from you whenever you share her writings with others.

Month of September/October 2006
Life is What You Create In Your Mind 

Taking responsibility for everything that happens in our lives is the first step in changing our realities, our lives. However, we must understand that everything means everything. To most of us this is a strange concept, and it is easier to put the blame of what is happening in our lives outside of us. It is easier to believe that the problems in our lives are caused by other people, by circumstances out of our control, by a revengeful or moody god, or by bad luck. However, with this type of thinking, we have no control and therefore, how can we change things? On the other hand, if we start by accepting that everything that happens in our lives is our own creation, then we are also in control to change. This type of thinking is empowering and freeing. First, we need to understand that accepting total responsibility and control over our lives does not mean blaming ourselves either. It does not mean putting us down, being hard on ourselves, or hating ourselves. Much of what we manifest in our daily lives regarding finances, health, relationships, and every other aspect come from beliefs deep seated in our subconscious minds. It’s not so important to know how these beliefs got in there, it is more important to know how to change them to positive, life-enhancing patterns. It is also important to remember that our subconscious mind is so powerful that it attracts things and people into our lives, bases on these beliefs. For example, if there is a belief in your subconscious mind that says “I am a victim” or “poor me” or “nobody loves me”, then, your subconscious mind is going to attract situations and people that honor these beliefs. It will attract the one who victimizes you, it will attract rejections and people who will hurt you. If you have a subconscious belief that says “I am poor” or “I am not worth it”, situations and people will be attracted into your lives to honor these beliefs. Let’s take responsibility of our realities by changing our minds. Here are a few steps you can take. 

  1. Observe what run through your mind during the course of your day. Become the “observer” of your own life. Are your thoughts positive? Negative? American essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Man is what he thinks all day long.” 
  2. Neutralize the negative thoughts or attitudes by making a choice that from now on, you’re choosing to be happy, to be abundant, to be confident, to be healthy, to be loving. Say to yourself “Quiet” or “Cancel”, every time a negative thought, or attitude, or reaction comes. Be consistent, this is just like training a dog, repetition is the key. 
  3. Give yourself positive affirmations right after neutralizing every negative thought. Tell yourself how much you love yourself, how much you love your life, how abundant you are, or how healthy you are. 
  4. Bring feeling into your positive affirmations. Let your heart feel the joy of who you are becoming
  5. Pray knowing you are a Child of God, a Child of the Universe, and that it’s your birthright to manifest abundance, happiness, health, peace. Remember, pray believing that you already received the blessing. “Whasoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matt.” 21:22 See it in your mind. See the abundance, the health, the loving you. Don’t ask, claim. It’s your birthright. Even better, simply give thanks. Skip the asking and claiming. Give thanks knowing it’s already manifesting. 

Finally and most importantly, always practice being loving, compassionate, and forgiving, toward yourself and others. The power of these God qualities will change your life. 

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Laura Bonilla, C.Ht. is a Licensed Spiritual Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master/Teacher. Laura’s holistic approach is to bring the Spirit, Mind and Body into Oneness. Through her private practice she helps people be successful in life. For private sessions, information about her workshops or to buy her Self Hypnosis CDs please go to or contact her online. You can always read her articles and archives on her website. All her materials are copyrighted © 2024. Reprints allowed with credits intact.