Laura's articles are published monthly on the San Dimas Community News, the La Verne Community News, the Glendora Community News, and the Azusa Community News. She is also a regular contributor to The Messenger, a Spiritual newspaper operating within the greater Los Angeles area and online editions.
Please feel free to share her articles and other publications with your friends and family. All that she asks is that you please include the credits at the bottom of the article. Laura would love to hear from you whenever you share her writings with others.
Month of September 2010
Be Here Now
by Laura Bonilla
Spiritual Coaching and Hypnotherapy
We tend to live life either in the past, with regrets or guilt or resentment or in the future, always wanting to get “there”. Where is “there” for you?
Do you realize that we can only live life in the present moment? Every time we are worrying about what we need to ‘do’ or the things we have not accomplished we are not living life? “There” is here, in the precious present moment.
It does not matter what your past is anymore. It’s over and the quicker you release it the better. It does not matter what your future will look like. In this moment nothing matters more than to stay present, to enjoy this life. We don’t get anywhere. There is here. Don’t get so wrapped up with your plans in your head that you never enjoy being here now.
What if you are having lots of challenges? We don’t resolve challenges by worrying and thinking about them all day long. You do what you can. You take the action that needs to be taken, if there is anything at all that you can do. Then you turn into this moment and look for the magic that is everywhere around you. You choose to count your blessings and more than anything, you choose to be a blessing to others. When you are a blessing to others, with your actions and your words and attitudes, certainly, you are blessing yourself in that act.
This is a magical place only if you decide to focus on the magic and the beauty all around you. Every day, choose to appreciate life, to appreciate all the people around you, to appreciate nature with its creatures, trees, water. Appreciate yourself. Remember just how precious you are. Life is so short! Why not spend it in the present moment?
Laura Bonilla, C.Ht. is a Licensed Spiritual Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master/Teacher. Laura’s holistic approach is to bring the Spirit, Mind and Body into Oneness. Through her private practice she helps people be successful in life. For private sessions, information about her workshops or to buy her Self Hypnosis CDs please go to or contact her online. You can always read her articles and archives on her website. All her materials are copyrighted © 2024. Reprints allowed with credits intact.