Laura's articles are published monthly on the San Dimas Community News, the La Verne Community News, the Glendora Community News, and the Azusa Community News. She is also a regular contributor to The Messenger, a Spiritual newspaper operating within the greater Los Angeles area and online editions.
Please feel free to share her articles and other publications with your friends and family. All that she asks is that you please include the credits at the bottom of the article. Laura would love to hear from you whenever you share her writings with others.
December 2010 - How to Have a Stress-free Holiday Season (reprint frm Nov 2006)
November 2010 - Taking Your Loved Ones from Granted?
October 2010 - You are Here "to Be", not "to Do"
September 2010 - Being Here Now
August 2010 - Think Prosperity (reprint March 2008)
June 2010 - Choosing Harmony and Peace in Your Life
May 2010 - Finding YourPurpose in Life
April 2010 - Spring: Time to Birth Your Dreams
March 2010 - 5 Ways to Remember you are Spirit
February 2010 - Welcome to Planet Earth the Avatar Way
January 2010 - Thanking the Past and Letting it Go
December 2009 - Dropping the Drama by Dropping your Buttons
September/October 2009 - What are you Attracting in your Life?
July/August 2009 - Living Life to the Fullest
May/June 2009 - Creating Loving Relationships
March/April 2009 - Awakening to the Magic of Spring!
January/February 2009 - 2009 Letting go of the Old and Embracing the New
November/December 2008 - Reconnecting with your True Self
September/October 2008 - Finding Fullfilment in Your Job
July/August 2008 - What's Really Important
May/June 2008 - Learning to Love Yourself
March/April 2008 - Think Prosperity
Jan/February 2008 - Making 2008 The Best Year Ever
Nov/December 2007 - Be The Messenger for Peace
Sept/October 2007 - The Game of Life
July/August 2007 - The Power of Day Dreaming
May/June 2007 - The Hidden Blessings in our Lives
March/April 2007 - Peace by Connecting to Mother Earth
Jan/February 2007 - Achieving Your Dreams Through The Power Of Your Mind
Nov/December 2006 - The Holidays, Stress, and your Subconscious Mind
Sept/October 2006 - Your life Is What You Create In Your Mind
Laura Bonilla, C.Ht. is a Licensed Spiritual Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master/Teacher. Laura’s holistic approach is to bring the Spirit, Mind and Body into Oneness. Through her private practice she helps people be successful in life. For private sessions, information about her workshops or to buy her Self Hypnosis CDs please go to or contact her online. You can always read her articles and archives on her website. All her materials are copyrighted © 2024. Reprints allowed with credits intact.